Children: 3. ![]() Born between 1011 and 1013 Died after 1071 Notes: The name of Baldwin's second wife is not noted in contemporary sources. |
1) Source: The Henry Project . External Link Reference: Judith de Bretagne (Questionable reliability of evidence)
2) Source: The Henry Project . External Link Reference: Richard II
3) Source: Chronica de gestis consulum Andegavorum " with the intervention of king Robert, and Richard duke of the Normans (who was married to Conan's daughter Judith), peace was made. Conan's eldest son Alan was redeemed, together with his brother. "
4) Source: Various trees showing the Counts of Anjou and Flanders, including the top-right tree:1. Ingelgerus.1.1 Fulco Rusus.1.1.1 Widdo; 1.1.2 Ingelgerus; 1.1.3 Fulco Bonus. Widdo Drogo Gotfridus Blanco. Maurice Fulco Constanca regina uxor Rober regis. Gottfridus Ermengarde Henricus Rex. Gaufridus Fulco Hildegarde.. External Link Reference: Folio 65v - Genealogia Comitis Andev
5) Source: Chronica de gestis consulum Andegavorum "Now Richard, duke of Normandy, had two sons by Judith, daughter of Conan count of Brittany, named Richard and Robert. Richard, the eldest, was poisoned by his brother Robert." (Data from secondary evidence)
6) Source: The Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy: Volume III "After Rollo, a succession of valiant dukes commanded the warlike Normans ; namely, William Longsword, Richard the elder, Richard II., son of Gunnor, and his two sons, Richard the younger and Eobert of Jerusalem, and then "William the Bastard" (Data from secondary evidence)
7) Source: The Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy: Volume III "For Richard, son of Gonnor, and duke of Normandy, was father of Robert I., whose son was William the Conqueror, the father of Duke Robert, who was father of William the Clito. On the other side, Robert the archbishop and count, who was brother of Duke Richard, had a son named Richard, count of Evreux, which Richard had a daughter called Agnes, wife of Simon, who bore Bertrade, Fulk's mother, and whose daughter Sibylla was." (Data from secondary evidence)
8) Source: Ademari Chronicon "Quo tempore gloriosissimus Ricardus Rotomagensis comes obiii, sepultus apud Fescanum coenobium in basilica sanctae Trinitatis. Et succedit pro eo Ricardus filius ejus, et ipse non longo post tempore veneno extinctus est, succeditque pro eo Rotbertus, frater 1028 ejus.". Reference: 1028 (Data from direct source)
9) Source: The Henry Project . External Link Reference: Robert I "le Magnifique" ("the Magnificent") (Questionable reliability of evidence)
10) Source: Prospography of Anglo Saxon England "Adelida 2 (Female) - countess of Aumale, d. 1083, half-sister of William 1 and daughter of Robert 4; Adeliza or Adelaida.". External Link (Data from secondary evidence)
11) Source: Chronica de gestis consulum Andegavorum "Robert died while traveling through Bithynia." (Data from secondary evidence)
12) Source: The Henry Project . External Link Reference: Baldwin IV "the Bearded" (Baudouin IV le Barbu, Balduinus Barbatus) (Questionable reliability of evidence)