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King Edward I
King Henry I
Random Fact
‎Between 800 and 814;

Charlemagne of the Franks was recorded as "Emperor"

Latest update2024-10-16 17:11
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4662


man William de Braose, 3rd Lord of Bramber‏‎ 1)
Died ‎between 1192 and 1193 1)

Notes: William was third Lord of Bramber, in addition to holding half the feudal lordship of Barnstaple, inherited from his mother, one of the two daughters of Juhel. He first uses the title Lord of Bramber in 1139. Through his wife (whose four brothers all died leaving no issue), he inherited the lordships of Brecon and Abergavenny, circa 1166.

Married ‎before 1150 1) (42 or 43 years married)

woman Bertha of Hereford‏‎ 1)
Born ‎± 1130‎

Notes: Heiress to he father's lands, alongside sisters Margaret and Bertha.


man William de Braose, 4th Lord of Bramber‏ 2) 3) 1)
Born ‎between 1144 and 1153
Died ‎9 Aug 1211‎ 4) 1)

Notes: Died in exile, his lands having been confiscated.


1) Source: English Baronies: a Study of Their Origin and Descent, 1086-1327. Reference: Pages 6-9: Barony of Miles of Gloucester (Questionable reliability of evidence)
2) Source: The Tetbury Feoffees "Grant: (i) Reginald de Brahus [Braose]...To (ii) Burgesses of Tetbury...Confirmation of all liberties and customs, as in the charter of Sir William, father of (i)". Dated: c1200. External Link
http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/68d7e2f5-820b-4ace-9d33-81dcaae9c74c. Reference: D 566/T/1/1 (Data from direct source)
3) Source: Flores Historiarum: Chronicle of Roger of Wendover "When he came to the county of Meath, he besieged the wife of William de Brause, and William her son...In this year [1210], too, the noblewoman Matilda, wife of William de Brause, and her son and heir William, with his wife, who had been imprisoned at Windsor by order of the English king, died of starvation at that place." (Data from direct source)
4) Source: Flores Historiarum: Chronicle of Roger of Wendover "About the same time [August 1211] William de Brause the elder, who had fled into France from king John, closed his life at Corbeil, and was buried with honours at the convent of St. Victor at Paris." (Data from direct source)