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King Edward I
King Henry I
Random Fact
‎1881 East Farleigh, Kent, England;

William Coppen was recorded as "Master Wheelwright employing 2 men"

Latest update2024-10-16 17:11
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4662


woman Blanche of Brienne‏‎
Born ‎± 1252
Died ‎± 1302‎, approximately 50 years

Married 1)

man William de Fiennes, Baron of Tingry and Fiennes, Lord of Fenles‏‎
Born ‎± 1245
Died ‎11 Jul 1302 East Flanders, Belgium‎, approximately 57 years

Notes: Also known as Lord of Fenles.

William was born overseas, as he is described as Martock manor, held by him, is described as a possession of William de Fienles, an alien, c1293. (SC 6/1127/16)


woman Margaret de Fiennes‏ 2)
Born ‎after 1269
Died ‎7 Feb 1333‎, at most 64 years


1) Source: Chancery: Certificates of Statute Merchant and Statute Staple "Endorsement: Mand' r' Custodi for' de Selewode quod fac' breue Blanchie uxori W. de Fenes.xii. robora." Dated: c1284. External Link
https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C9593406. Reference: C 241/1/4
2) Source: Special Collections: Ancient Petitions "1) Mortemer requests that right be done to her and that she have restitution of the castle and manor of Bridgwater together with the issues from the time that they came into the king's hand...Edmund de Mortemer (Mortimer), late husband of the petitioner; Roger de Mortemer (Mortimer), son of Edmund de Mortimer." Dated: c1322. External Link
https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C9106839. Reference: SC 8/62/3076 (Data from secondary evidence)