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King Edward I
King Henry I
Random Fact
‎Between 888 and 922;

Robert I of France was recorded as "Marquis in Neustria"

Latest update2024-06-18 14:59
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4663


woman Maria Dobroniega of Kiev‏‎
Born ‎after 1012
Died ‎1087‎, at most 75 years

Notes: While Maria Dobronega (wife of Casimir) is often shown as a daughter of Vladimir the Great of Kiev online, this is conjectural, with limited solid evidence to support. Other hypotheses, including that she was a daughter of Yaroslav, also have very limited evidence. The strongest conclusion is that she was of noble blood from Kiev.

See https://groups.google.com/g/soc.genealogy.medieval/c/6bmgFyXi79g/m/uO1uvYj36jkJ for discussion on her parentage.

Married/ Related

man Casimir I 'the Restorer' of Poland, Duke of Poland‏‎ 1)
Born ‎25 Jul 1016 Kraków, Lodzkie, Poland
Died ‎28 Nov 1058 Poznan, Lubelskie, Poland‎, 42 years 1)


man Władisław I Herman of Poland, Duke of Poland‏ 2)
Born ‎± 1055 Very approximate - supposedly still suckling at the time of his father's death in 1058.1)
Died ‎4 Jun 1102‎, approximately 47 years 2)


1) Source: Cosmas of Prague, The Chronicle of the Czechs "At that time, Casimir, the most excellent Polish duke, was taken away from this world and his sons, Bolesłav and Władisław, were still suckling." (Data from secondary evidence)
2) Source: Cosmas of Prague, The Chronicle of the Czechs "In the year of the Lord’s incarnation 1102. Władisław, duke of Poland had two sons: one from a concubine, Zbigniew; another from Judith, the daughter of King Vratislav, called Bolesław; between them he divided his realm in half" (Data from secondary evidence)