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King Edward I
King Henry I
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‎5 Sep 1813 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England;

William Petherick was recorded as "Cordwainer, Resident of Poor House"

Latest update2024-06-18 14:59
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4663


man Uncertain‏‎ 1)

Notes: The charter identifying Petronilla de Grandmesnil's father as William, identifies her great-grandfather as Hugh de Grandmesnil. It does not, however, name William's father. Given we know WIlliam's grandfather is Hugh, based on family members identified in Orderic Vitalus, there are two possible options for WIlliam's father - Robert (and his wife Emma), or William (and his wife Mabilia). The latter individual, however, seems to have died too early to actually be the mother of Petronilla (based on her dates and Orderic Vitalus). Which makes Robert and Emma the likelier options.

That has not been shown here, however, as there is a third option - a William not directly named in Orderic Vitalus.

Married/ Related

woman Uncertain‏‎


man William de Grandmesnil‏ 1)

Notes: William's identification as the father of Petronilla is supported by her charter to St Evroul. Given this is a charter in her name, and contemporary, it has been considered accurate. Online family trees do, however, regularly show Petronilla as a daughter of Hugh de Grandmesnil. These seems to be based on secondary sources - including Dugdale, where she is shown as a daughter of Hugh, as part of a founding narrative for the Hospital of St Leonard, Leicester (and supporting pedigree). Given these secondary sources are non-contemporary, Petronilla's charter has been followed.

The same charter also identifies Petronilla's grandfather (confirming previous gifts he made) as Hugh de Grandmesnil.

It is assumed that this William is a "de Grandmesnil" - this is on the basis that Petronilla claimed to be heiress of the Grandmesnil Barony.

Douglas Richardson provides an interesting summary of some of the evidence at: https://groups.google.com/g/soc.genealogy.medieval/c/6Ezmq-fF4WQ/m/vY9dhSsqAQAJ .


1) Source: Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Saint-Evroul (dioc. de Lisieux). Latin 11055 Petronilla's charter, for her and her family's souls names her father as William (no surname provided) and her great grandfather as Hugh de Granmesnil: ""Ptronilla Comitissa Legrecestrie ... pro salute anime mee necnon et Willelmi patris mei".. External Link
https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b9066843b/f36.item.zoom. Reference: 33v (Data from secondary evidence)