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King Edward I
King Henry I
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‎Between 887 and 890;

Ranulf II of Aquitaine was recorded as "Duke of Aquitaine"

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No. of families2147
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No. of individuals4663


woman Margaret Abrahall‏‎ 1)

Notes: Identified as "Of Abrale" in the 1623 Gloucestershire visitation. Outside the Visitations no evidence for this marriage has been identified. The visitation is not reliable for the Baynham family. Margaret does not appear in the conflicting "Abrahall of Abrahall" pedigrees within the same visitation.

It is very possible Margaret did not exist. Or, if she did, that she did not marry Robert!

Married/ Related

man Robert 'ap Eignon' Baynham‏‎ 1) 2)
Died ‎12 Sep 1436 2)

Notes: The 1623 Gloucestershire visitation extends Robert's ancestry by several generations:

Robert being son of John ap Eignon and Elizabeth Unknown (who married thrice)
John ap Eignon being son of Thomas ap Eignon (spouse unknown)
Thomas ap Eignon being son of Thomas ap Eignon (spouse unknown)
Thomas ap Eignon being son of Raffe ap Eignon and "Joane d. and coheir of Sr Willm Deane of Greate Deane in com. Gloster."

While these generations may be accurate they have not been included here due to lack of primary evidence. The Baynham pedigree contains significant errors at more recent generations so limited reliability can be placed on it for these early generations. The "ap Eignon" (or "ap Eynon" as appears elsewhere) epithet seems to have been used the family until this Robert's generation.

The Victoria County History article for Mitcheldean aligns reasonably closely to the above and provides additional "of Dean" ancestors back to the 12th century. Again, the VCH has not been trusted here as I have not had the opportunity to validate the cited sources.


Robert held the manor of Mitcheldean in Gloucestershire.


man Thomas Baynham‏ 3) 4) 1) 5) 6)
Born ‎± 7 Apr 1422 Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, England‎ 2)
Died ‎16 Feb 1499/00 Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, England‎, approximately 76 years 7)

Notes: Held the manor of Ruardean (leased to John Derherste). Thomas was appointed Constable of St Briavel's castle.

In right of his wife, held the manors of Bickerton, Aston Ingen and Putley in Herefordshire.


1) Source: The visitation of the county of Gloucester, taken in the year 1623. Reference: Baynham Pedigree; Pages 12-16 (Unreliable evidence or estimated data)
2) Source: Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series I, Henry VI Baynam, Robert: Glos. Thomas is his heir. Aged 14 years, 5 months and 3 days at his father's death on 12 September 1436.. External Link
http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C6159503. Reference: C 139/79/15 (Data from direct source)
3) Source: The Visitation of the County of Worcester made in the year 1569. Reference: Russell Pedigree; pages 116-119 (Questionable reliability of evidence)
4) Source: The History of Parliament . External Link
http://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/1509-1558/member/russell-john-i-149394-1556. Reference: Russell, John I (1493/94-1556), and Strensham, Worcs. (Questionable reliability of evidence)
5) Source: Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series II, and other Inquisitions, Henry VII to Charles I "Robert Russell...Elizabeth Russell, widow, his mother, was seised of the under-mentioned manors of Streynsham and Bulton... an agreement between him and Thomas Beynam, esq., for a marriage to be had between Robert Russell the younger his son and heir, and Elizabeth daughter of the said Thomas, and in consideration of a sum of money paid him by the said Thomas Beynam, he enfeoffed Thomas Grene and Alexander Beynam, knts., Giles Brugges, and Christopher Beynam, esq., William Beynam, Richard Throkmerton, and Edmund Herrewell, thereof, to the use of the said Robert and Elizabeth, now his wife, and the heirs of their bodies.He died Friday before the feast of St. Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist last. The said Robert Russell the younger, aged 17 and more, is his son and heir."Dated: 1493. External Link
https://www.british-history.ac.uk/inquis-post-mortem/series2-vol1/pp364-387. Reference: C 142/9/17 (Data from direct source)
6) Source: Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series II, and other Inquisitions, Henry VII to Charles I "Robert Russell...Elizabeth Russell, widow, mother of Robert Russell, esquire, his father, long before the decease of the said Robert, the father...The said Robert Russell, son of the said Elizabeth, father of Robert Russell...was seised...by an indenture of agreement between him and Thomas Beynam, esquire, for a marriage to be had between the said Robert Russell, named in the writ, and Elizabeth daughter of the said Thomas Beynam...He died on Saturday after Midsummer last. John Russel is his son and heir, aged 8 and more."Dated: 1502. External Link
https://www.british-history.ac.uk/inquis-post-mortem/series2-vol2/pp343-380. Reference: C 142/16/11 (Data from direct source)
7) Source: Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series II, and other Inquisitions, Henry VII to Charles I "Thomas Beynam, esquire...Alice Wallewen was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors, and took to husband the said Thomas Beynam. After the marriage they were jointly seised of the said manors in fee, in right of the said Alice.Thomas died 16 February, 15 Henry VII. Alexander Beynam, knight, aged 40 years and more, is his son and heir. Alice survives, and is now sole seised of the manors in fee."Dated: 12 June 1500. External Link
https://www.british-history.ac.uk/inquis-post-mortem/series2-vol3/pp388-406. Reference: C 142/23/178 (Data from direct source)