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King Edward I
King Henry I
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‎Between 958 and 987;

Geoffrey I 'Grisegonelle' Anjou was recorded as "Count of Anjou"

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No. of families2147
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No. of individuals4663


man Reginald de Abenhall, Knight‏‎ 1) 2)
Died ‎± Aug 1341 2)

Notes: The "de Abenhall" family, while originally from Abenhall, were tenants of a moiety of the manor of Dene. Reginald was probably the descendant of Ralph de Abenhall and brother or son of John de Abenhall who both held the manor of Abenhall before Reginald.

Reginald held the manor of Abbehalle per his IPM in addition to being responsible for aspects of the keeping of a certain wood within the Forest of Dene.

Married 3)

woman Joan Unknown‏‎ 3)


man Ralph de Abenhall, Knight‏ 4) 5) 6)
Born ‎25 Mar 1317‎ 2)
Died ‎9 Aug 1347‎, 30 years 5)

Notes: Held the manor of Abenhall, Gloucestershire per his IPM.


1) Source: Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III: Volume 6, 1341-1343 "To John de Perton, escheator in cos. Hereford, Gloucester, Worcester, Salop, Stafford and the adjacent march of Wales. Order to accept security from Ralph de Abbehale, son and heir of Reginald de Abbehale, for rendering his relief at the exchequer and to give him seisin of all lands of which Reginald was seised at his death, in his demesne as of fee, as the king has taken Ralph's homage for all the lands which Reginald hold in chief and has rendered to him.". External Link
https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-close-rolls/edw3/vol6/pp239-242. Reference: 16 September 1341, Westminster (Data from direct source)
2) Source: Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series I, Edward III "Reginald de Abbehale...Abbehalle...Ralph his son, aged 24 years at the feast of the Annunciation last, is his next heir."Dated: 22 August 1341. External Link
https://www.british-history.ac.uk/inquis-post-mortem/vol8/pp223-239. Reference: C 135/65/6 (Data from direct source)
3) Source: Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III: Volume 6, 1341-1343 "To John de Perton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Worcester, Salop, Stafford, Hereford and the adjacent march of Wales. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Joan late the wife of Reginald de Abbehale, tenant in chief, of all the lands which belonged to her husband, in the presence of the heir, if he choose to attend, upon her taking oath that she will not marry without the king's licence". External Link
https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-close-rolls/edw3/vol6/pp239-242. Reference: 1341, Sept 10, The Tower
4) Source: The History of Parliament . External Link
http://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/1386-1421/member/greyndore-sir-john-1356-1416. Reference: Greyndore, Sir John (c.1356-1416), of Abenhall, Glos. (Questionable reliability of evidence)
5) Source: Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series I, Edward III "Ralph de Abenarle, knight...Abbenale..service of keeping the king’s wood in the forest of Dene...He died on Thursday, the eve of St. Lawrence, 21 Edward III. Margaret, his daughter, aged 5 years at the Annunciation last, is his presumptive (sub postos) heir; Isabel his wife is pregnant, and so the jury cannot say who is his heir.". External Link
https://www.british-history.ac.uk/inquis-post-mortem/vol9/pp1-13. Reference: C 135/83/13 (Data from direct source)
6) Source: Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series I, Edward III "Margaret, daughter and heir of Ralph de Abbehale...Writ de etate probanda on the petition of Laurence Greyndore, who has married the said Margaret...she was born at Abbehale and baptized in the church there on Friday before Easter, 15 Edward III, so that she was 17 years of age and more on 4 May last...Writ to the escheator to enquire whether the infant, whereof Isabel, late the wife of Ralph de Abbehale, was pregnant at the time of her said husband’s death...The said Isabel bore a daughter, Helen, who died on the fourteenth day after her birth."Dated: 12 October 1358. External Link
https://www.british-history.ac.uk/inquis-post-mortem/vol10/pp356-383. Reference: C 135/141/3 (Data from direct source)