Married 1) to: Matilda of Louvain 1) Notes: "Hanc Mathildem duxit uxorem comes Eustachius de Bolonia, et genuit ex ea duos filios, Eustachium et Lantbertum." (Genealogia comitum Bulonensium) Children: 3. Eustace II of Boulogne, Count of Boulogne 2) 1)Born between 1015 and 1020 Died 1087 Notes: "Eustachius vero accepit uxorem filiam Godefridi ducis. Idam nomine, nobilem genere et mobus, et genuit ex ea tres filios, Eustachium et Godefridum qui nunc est dux Lotharingiae et Balduinum." (Genealogia comitum Bulonensium) |
1) Source: Genealogia comitum Bulonensium A short genealogy connecting the early Merovingians to the later counts of Boulogne, written circa the 11th century. The earliest generations are almost certainly fictional. Considered a reliable secondary source for generations from Arnulf of Metz onwards. Considered a "primary" source for events from the year 1000 onwards.. External Link (Data from direct source)
2) Source: The Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy: Volume III "Eustace, count of Boulogne, who was with William at the battle of Senlac in England, married Ita, daughter of Godfrey, duke of Lorraine, by whom he had Baldwin, Godfrey, and Eustace" (Data from secondary evidence)