Agnes Allen 1) Died 13 Aug 1616 Wichling, Kent, England 2) Notes: Agnes's will confirms her children: "To the poor at my burial 20/- Whereas Robert Filmer, my son, is bound to pay to my executors £60 within certain time after my decease, for the disposition and assignation thereof I do will and assign that the same shall be paid to Thomas Filmer and Richard Filmer, my younger sons, and they to pay then as follows: To son William, 20/-, to daughter Catherine, the wife of Thomas Ellett, £5; to Raynold Filmer, my son James's son, 20/-; to Agnes, daughter of the said James, 20/-; to his two other children, 10/- apiece; to sister Barbara, 20/-; to my children's children, viz. to Raynold, son of Robert, my son, 20/- and to his two other children £10 (sic) apiece; to Agnes and Renold, my son William's children 20/- apiece and to his two other children 10/- apiece; to Robert, my son Thomas's son 20/- and to his other son 10/-; to Agnes, my daughter Catherine's child 20/- and to her son 10/-, this to be paid to them at their several ages of 16 years. Residue of said £60 and all other goods, chattles and debts, in regard that my elder sons have had their portions already, I will and assign to my younger sons, Thomas Filmer and Richard Filmer, equally to be divided between them and I make the said Thomas and Richard my sole executors. Witnesses: The mark of Agnes Filmer. John Ady, Robert Sater, James Marshalls mark. 7th November 1608." An addition, interlined, was made by Agnes Filmer, 3rd August, 1616, when she confirmed the will with her own mark in the presence of William Wilcocke, Raynold Filmer (mark), and William Weldish (mark). The will was proved on the 3rd October, 1616 in the Archdeacon's Court of Canterbury (A 63 157). Married 29 Jan 1564/65 Kent, England 3) (approximately 42 years married) to: Reginald Filmer 1) Son of James Filmer and Marjorie Raynor. Born ± 1531 Died 1 May 1606 Wichling, Kent, England, approximately 75 years 1) Buried 5 May 1606 Otterden, Kent, England Will signed: 8 May 1606 Wichling, Kent, England 1) Notes: Reginald was churchwarden in Wichling in 1585 and again in 1586. He made a will in August, 1604, and died in the spring of 1606: "In the name of God Amen the first day of Auguste in the yere of our lorde god a thowsend syxe hundrethe and fower and in the second yere of the raygn of our soveign lorde kynge James of Ingland France and Ireland, etc.: I Raynold FyImer of Wychelyng in the Countye of Kent yoman being in good helthe and of pfytt remembrance (thanks be to god) but being now growen into manye yeres wch is a token of the shortnesse of my dayes to come have thought good to make thys my last Wyll and testament in manner and forme following: Fyrst and pryncypallye I yelde upp my soule into the hande of almyghtye god wt one assured hope of the resurrection bothe of my bodye and soule unto eternall lyfe thorowe Jhesus Cryste our onelye lorde and saviour untyll wch tyme I comytt my bodye to the earthe to be buryed in suche decent sorte and plase as shall seme good to my executors hereunder named. Item I geve and bequethe to the poore xx-s. to be dystrybuted and bestowed att or about the tyme of my buryall att the dyscretion of my sayd executors. Items I geve unto Wyllyam, my son ten shyllyngs for a remembrance and memorie in regard I have geven hym hys portion already. Item I geve unto my two yonger sonns Rychard and Thomas to either of them three score pounds of lawfull moneye of Ingland to be payd unto them wt in halfe a yere after my decease. Item I geve to my daughter Kateryne fyftye poundes of lawfull moneye of Ingland to be payd to her wt in a quarter of a yere after my decease. The Residue of all my goods cattell moveables and debts the legacies first payd and deducted I geve and bequethe unto Agnes my wyfe and Robert my sonne equally to be devyded between the wch sayd Agnes and Robert I do ordeyne and make my executors to see thys my wyll well and trewlye pformed pvyded alwayes and my Intent and meaning is that yf the sayd Agnes my wyfe doe marrye or contract her selfe to any man for maryage after my decease then Imediately after such maryage or contracte her sayd executor shyppe and legacye to her geven above in thys my wyll shall be voyd and of none effect and then my sayd son Robert shalbe my sole executor and she shall have onelye x-li. of moneye to be payd her wt in one quarter of a yere after her maryage. Item I bequethe unto my two younger sonnes Thomas and Richard x sheepe a piece and my nephewe Raynolde six sheepe be paid them within one month after my decease. Item I give my maid Johanne Skere twelve shillings to be paid one month after my decease. And as toching the dysposytion of my lands or tenemts I have made a deed thereof wherebye I have ordered and dysposed of the same and my wyll and meanyng is that the same deed shall stand and be in his full force and effect according to the purporte and trewe meaning thereof and con-ing certeyne woodland I have in the pishe of Otterden wch is not mentyoned in the said deed I wyll and geve the same to my two younger sons Thomas and Richard and to their heires for evr. In witnesse whereof I have hereunto set my marke and publyshed and declared thys same to be my last wyll and testamt the daye and yere fyrst above wrytten in the p'sence of John Adye the mark of Raynold FyImer. PCC A 54 335" Children: 1. William FilmerBorn 1564 Died after 1641, at least 77 years 3. James FilmerBorn 1566 Died 1596 Otterden, Kent, England, 29 or 30 years 4. Maria FilmerBorn ± 1568 Died 1584, approximately 16 years 5. Katherine FilmerBorn ± 1570 6. Bennet FilmerBorn 1576 Died 1591, 14 or 15 years 7. Thomas FilmerBorn 1578 Wichling, Kent, England Died ± 1670 Wichling, Kent, England, approximately 92 years 8. Richard FilmerBorn 1580 Died after 1640, at least 60 years |
1) Source: Kent, England, Tyler Index to Wills, 1460-1882 Name: Raynold FilmerProbate Date: 8 May 1606Testator: Raynold FilmerRelationship: TestatorLast Residence: WitchlingeOthers Mentioned:Name RelationshipRaynold Filmer TestatorWm SonRichard SonThomas SonKatherine Filmer DaughterAgnes WifeRobert SonRaynold OtherJoane Skere Other. External Link Reference: IHGS; The Tyler Collection; Notebook: Filmer; Notebook Number: 43(3?) (Data from secondary evidence)
2) Source: Monuments "Here Lyeth ANNYS X FILMAR widow of RAINHOLD FILMER X which died the 13th X Day of August 1616". Reference: Wichling, Kent (Data from direct source)
3) Source: Kent, England, Tyler Index to Parish Registers, 1538-1874 Record for Renold Felmar. External Link
4) Source: Kent, England, Tyler Index to Parish Registers, 1538-1874 Record for John Fylmer. External Link (Data from secondary evidence)
5) Source: Kent, England, Tyler Index to Wills, 1460-1882 Name: Robart FilmerProbate Date: 7 Nov 1615Testator: Robart FilmerRelationship: TestatorLast Residence: WitchlingOthers Mentioned:Name RelationshipRobart Filmer TestatorPeter Caw OtherAbigaill Philpot OtherJohn SonJeffry SonReinolle SonJoane WifeRichd Filmer OtherThos Filmer Other. External Link Reference: IHGS; The Tyler Collection; Notebook: Filmer; Notebook Number: 43(3?) (Data from secondary evidence)
6) Source: England, Parish Registers Johannes Ffylmer, baptised 17 September 1615, to Roberti. Reference: Wychling, St Margaret (Data from direct source)
8) Source: England, Parish Registers Robertus Filmer buried 9 November 1615, at Wychling. Reference: Wychling, St Margaret's (Data from secondary evidence)
9) Source: Monuments "Here lyeth the body of ROB(ERT) (ORD) (ARD) FILMAR of Wichelin who died the 6th day of November of Anno Dº 1615.". Reference: Wychling church (Data from direct source)